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gate io
1 year ago

Sir, I read your article and liked it very much. Plz provide more suggestion while boosting up self confidence in front of public group at professional, career, home, personal front.Thanking you,regards,A readerHi there. I came by your article whilst looking for general anxiety information. As somebody who suffered for a long time with major anxiety and panic attacks – for no apparent reason – it intrigued me to find that other people have major anxiety issues when it comes to speaking in front of people.I remember my time spent at University many moons ago, where I had to give several presentations – and I honestly felt completely petrified and physically sick. Others seemed to take it all in their stride but I kept imagining all of these scenarios where I might make a fool of myself.One thing I noticed is, I eventually got better as my confidence grew… as until that point, I was always an unconfident person.Anyway, good article – I enjoyed reading it!nice to see your article after while. Thank you. I want to point out it’s challenging to get a promotion in a company due to many other co-works competition for the same position. Also the money in an organisation/company travels to the top.

1 year ago

Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me. https://accounts.binance.com/zh-CN/register-person?ref=JHQQKNKN

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